Dogs and Cats
Spay & Neuter Assistance
Chehalis Tribe 598
Nisqually Tribe 292
Skokomish Tribe 337
Squaxin Island Tribe 356
Shoalwater Bay Tribe 158
Total 1741
If you are an enrolled tribal member of one of the tribes we serve or live on the reservation we can help you get your pet fixed. Our spay/neuter program helps to cover the cost of getting your pet fixed at local veterinary clinics.
Adopt a Pet Today!
Animal Rescue & Adoption
Rez Animal Resources & Education rescues stray rez dogs and cats and places them into forever homes. We adopt out animals at the Lacey Petsmart and the Olympia Petco on weekends. If your interested in adopting one of our rescues please click on the learn more link to see what pets we have available.

Adopted & Rescued
Spayed & Neutered
Emergency Medical Assistance
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Chehalis Tribe Newsletter 2017
Rez Animal Closes a Successful Year Program spays/neuters pets, reduces number of strays Rez Animal Resources & Education had an exceptional year and provided 183…
Pet Connection Magazine 2016
The Squaxin Island: one of the only Indian reservations in the country with an animal control officer. It’s no wonder that dogs come running and…
Squaxin Klah Che-Min 2015
It’s been a DOGgone success twice!!! The second dog vaccine clinic held on October 10th was a huge success with 24 dogs and their owners…
Squaxin Klan Che Min 2014
A DOGgone success!!! The dog vaccine clinic held on June 14th was a huge success with 23 dogs and their owners in attendance. Each pet…
Mason County Journal 2013
Nonprofit comes to the rescue of Reservations’ stray pets Since 2006, the nonprofit has helped pet owners spay or neuter more than 750 dogs and…